Laser Fume Extractor, Air Filtration System

Laser Blue Gel Seal – Guaranteed No Bypass

Seal  guarantees NO BYPASS

Effective fume extraction is critical to laser systems due to the possibility of toxic, carcinogenic corrosive or extremely odorous contaminants that can be generated.  All of our systems feature multi-stage filtration incorporating a 2” Pre-filter section, 2” Certified HEPA filter and activated carbon modules. We offer systems for light-medium duty tabletop systems favored by hobbyists everywhere as well as mid-heavy duty cycle units for larger tables and/or significant particle accumulation. New this year is our SPH-400 pre-filter section which will turn our popular SPH-400 system into a true heavy duty dust collector.

We are proud to introduce our new breakthrough technology. We call it the LASER BLUE GEL. This sleek blue design is nothing like the regular gasket you may find in other filtration units on the market. Due to it’s elasticity, it allows zero bypass to any fumes, odors and VOCs. It’s NON toxic and NON porous as well.

Contact us for help with your Laser Fume Extraction solution. Toll free: 1-800-626-0664 or fill in the Contact Form below.